A Spy’s Guide to Thinking (Book Notes)

By Austin Collins

A Spy's Guide To Thinking by John Braddock (John Braddock, 2015)

Spies are faced with unique decision making challenges. High stakes situations with global security implications demand an intelligent, precise and rapid process for evaluation and decisive action. A decision making process with proven effectiveness in the spy world can be applied to any situation. This book shows how to apply the process to your own decisions with concise, actionable examples. The hour you invest to read A Spy’s Guide to Thinking will instantly upgrade the quality of your decisions.

  • Chapter 1: Use the following thought flow “Loop” to give your attention a focused and productive track to run on: Data > Analyze > Decision > Action > Repeat.
  • Chapter 2: The first question to ask when evaluating an interaction with someone else: What kind of game do they think we are playing?
  • Chapter 3: As you move from data collection towards action, commitment of time and resources increases, while access to relevant information decreases.
  • Chapter 4: Create “positive sum” opportunities to engage others, using what you learn as the “Data” for the start of your next “Loop.”

For other book notes in the same 1 sentence per chapter style, click here.

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